Welcome to the Florida Online Course Catalog! This catalog gives parents, students and other users the opportunity to search for and learn about the online courses Florida Virtual School, school districts and approved providers offer to Florida students in grades K-12.

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Course Catalog Statistics
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A total of 700 records out of a possible 13671 were returned by your query. As necessary, please use the filter options above to further refine your search...
 District NameProvider NameCourse NameGrade Range2023-2024 Comp. Rate2023-2024 Pass Rate     
AlachuaAlachua eSchool0800300 - Health 1 Life Mgmt Skills9-1290.00100.00
AlachuaAlachua eSchool1001010 - M/J LANG ARTS 16-886.70100.00
AlachuaAlachua eSchool1001020 - M/J LANG ARTS 1, ADV6-8100.00100.00
AlachuaAlachua eSchool1001040 - M/J LANG ARTS 26-884.00100.00
AlachuaAlachua eSchool1001050 - M/J LANG ARTS 2, ADV6-8100.00100.00
AlachuaAlachua eSchool1001070 - M/J LANG ARTS 36-887.50100.00
AlachuaAlachua eSchool1001080 - M/J LANG ARTS 3, ADV6-8100.00100.00
AlachuaAlachua eSchool1001310 - Eng 19-1280.60100.00
AlachuaAlachua eSchool1001320 - ENG HON 19-1287.50100.00
AlachuaAlachua eSchool1001340 - ENG 29-1276.70100.00
AlachuaAlachua eSchool1001350 - ENG HON 29-1262.50100.00
AlachuaAlachua eSchool1001370 - ENG 39-1291.70100.00
AlachuaAlachua eSchool1001380 - ENG HON 39-12100.00100.00
AlachuaAlachua eSchool1001400 - ENG 49-1290.60100.00
AlachuaAlachua eSchool1001410 - ENG HON 49-1280.00100.00
AlachuaAlachua eSchool1006300 - Journalism 19-1277.80100.00
AlachuaAlachua eSchool1006310 - JOURN 29-12
AlachuaAlachua eSchool1006375 - Social Media 19-1281.80100.00
AlachuaAlachua eSchool  
AlachuaAlachua eSchool1200310 - ALG 19-1261.30100.00
Selected Course Details
Rating 0
Image Rank1 Image Rank2 Image Rank3 Image Rank4 Image Rank5
Raters 0

Ease of Registration n/a

Instructor's Knowledge of the Course Subject n/a

Instructor Availability n/a

Quality of Curriculum & Content n/a

Overall Satisfaction with Course Provider n/a

(The percent of enrolled students who completed the course)

(The percent of completers who passed the course)